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Technology Executives
peer advisory network


TEPAN brings technology leaders together.

Quarterly Confidential sessions with leaders in the tech world bring you the help you need to solve your most pressing challenges.

your issues. your peers.

Sharing information and solutions in a confidential environment.


Free of charge

TEPAN gatherings are supported by our sponsors. Members pay nothing for peer advisory groups.

free of charge

TEPAN gatherings are supported by our sponsors. Members pay nothing for peer advisory groups.

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professional moderation

Each quarterly session is moderated by someone who understands technology and its challenges.

professional moderation

Each quarterly session is moderated by someone who understands technology and its challenges.

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tech pros like you

Your issues, addressed by your peers. Solid advice from others who understand your world.

tech pros like you

Your issues, addressed by your peers. Solid advice from others who understand your world.

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Speak freely. TEPAN meetings are confidential ... what happens in the room stays in the room.


Speak freely. TEPAN meetings are confidential ... what happens in the room stays in the room.

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Put your products and services in front of the decision-makers.

TEPAN gatherings are sponsor-driven and free to members. As a sponsor, you have the opportunity to present to a group of C-level decision makers at each session.

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“Participating in the Technology Executive Peer Advisory Network has connected me with area CIO’s and CTO’s who I can use as a sounding board for strategies for my company’s technology needs. They have been a great source of information on products and services we need to keep our IT running at a high level.”
Tony Gruebl
President, Think
"Being a member of TEPAN has provided to me opportunities on both professional and business levels. Meeting with my peers offers insight into what others are thinking about and working on in similar (and dissimilar) organizations. This insight often provides myself with the reassurance that the decisions my organization have made are in the right ballpark. On a personal level, meeting and interacting with business peers helps provide me with the spark we often need to help and share our ideas and achievements with others."
Chuck Scharnagle
CIO, The Mohegan Tribe
“ The TEPAN group led by Think Consulting is a wonderful opportunity for IT leaders young, old, experienced, inexperienced to safely collaborate on topics to help advance their organizational objectives through technology and IT Process. In addition to the collaboration, throughout the year there are industry experts that also attend to share their experiences around governance, process, cyber insurance, and cyber insurance. These experiences are driven by the feedback of the TEPAN group and the network of experts available to Think Consulting. Definitely worth the time.”
Tom Barczak
CIO, InSource Solutions